[ English ]

First to clarify why I write this article. I have been gambling on the net or at a brick and mortar betting houses for a great many years. I have discovered, the dependency can grab a hold of you and you will not even notice it until you are beaten. Especially if you are on a winning run. I have gone through countless tens of thousands of dollars in a very short period of time and to this day on occasion, I’ll go too far. It appears you are just having fun until you start to pay attention to your losses and the anguish sets in, and then you keep telling yourself "I can earn it back" constantly. It does not works. Then you feel sick in your stomach and the more you attempt the quicker you lose.

When you see that you are up, STAY on the UP! When you start to be beaten, don’t say to yourself, "well perhaps one more" and again and again, trust me, this plan almost never ever works. Say you are betting on slots, have a bankroll set aside prior to beginning your action. DO NOT go over that limit, regardless how captivating. If you happen to win, put that in a different pot. Do not spend your profits no matter what. As soon as you’ve gone through your original set limit, stop. Leave, regardless if it is on the web or at a physical casino, don’t stay around. Always keep in mind, there will be a different day, another time.

Remember, betting is assumed to be FUN not backbreaking, nauseating work! If you are not having fun yourself, you do not belong there. If youcannot manage the loss, do not even begin.